Learn and study with Flashcards

How to learn to learn?
Since we were little, we absorb knowledge in a “natural” way; we don't bother to think about how we learned. How did our parents teach us to speak? How did we learn to walk? Mostly repeating, watching or listening. When we begin a more formal education such as schools, learning begins to be qualified and our ability to acquire knowledge may deteriorate since it becomes pigeonholed into a single study method that does not necessarily adapt to our abilities.
Learn: What is it?
Learning is a process through which skills, knowledge, behaviors and values are acquired and developed. It is the result of attention, study, experience, instruction, reasoning, observation among other external factors that influence our growth or development. As such, there is no single way to generate learning and it is our duty to explore how we acquire it. Within educational training, there is only one study scheme such as review, reading or excessive homework; that many times do not truly reflect how much or little was really learned. This system can discourage many as they are not provided with a method that can be of benefit to them.
As we grow academically, we can find various ways to make it easier for us to learn. For example, some people learn by repeating things, others by writing, others by generating some type of physical movement (kinesthetic), listening or simply seeing. There are different methods, resources and study tools that help us retain information regardless of the purpose, an example of this is flashcards.
Online Flashcards
Flashcards are a study resource in the form of a card, which on one side contains a question from the syllabus, and on the other, the answer. Additionally, they may contain necessary additional information, such as definitions, schematics, etc. It is, therefore, a way to liven up the study, which allows the load of the syllabus to be divided into smaller and easier to assimilate portions. Additionally, if study cards incorporate colors or drawings, they add a visually appealing component to the study routine.
There are many students who rely on this study method, and if we search the internet for examples of them, we will find that the most common are pharmacology, anatomy and medicine flashcards.

Flashcards and other online study methods
Although flashcards are originally paper, we can find them online on pages like quizzlet.com . This tool contains many topics since any student or teacher can share their knowledge with this method, it is extremely easy to navigate and the best thing is that they are free.

Questions and answers or mock exams can be another method to complement your study plan and facilitate learning without grading it directly. At parafrasist.com there is a questionnaire creator section and the best thing is that they are automatically generated with artificial intelligence on the topic you want.

You can create your own study method, learn how you retain information, and even combine different methods. Only you can learn to learn!