What is a synthesis and some examples

AdrianaAugust 29, 2022

Throughout your student life, you have faced having to prepare summaries and text synthesis , but have you wondered what a synthesis is like ?

Let's start by defining what is a synthesis of a text . The origin of the word synthesis comes from the Latin synthesis, and means "composition or arrangement". There are various interpretations and uses of the term synthesis, however, in the academic and school environment, the synthesis of a text is a writing that briefly brings together the main concepts and ideas, that is, placing the most important words and concepts in a text. important aspects of the book, article, reading, etc.

Synthesis; how is it done?

If you wonder how to start a synthesis , the answer is very easy; First you need to read your text, article or book very carefully in order to capture the main ideas, that is, the most important concepts and ideas. Once you have found this information you have to interpret it in your own words to develop a new text without changing the essence of the main text, however, there are tools that perform this procedure and Parafrasist.com is the best option to do it.

Parafrasist.com a tool that summarizes and paraphrases complete texts in a matter of seconds. This page is one of the tools most used by students, teachers and professionals, as it performs online synthesis of complete texts in a very short time, which will help you concentrate and make the most of your study time.

What is the use of making a summary?

Text synthesis is a very effective study technique, as it has benefits of greater information retention, prioritization of ideas, reduction in the number of words, better information analysis, and greater memorization of content.

Synthesis example

Below is an example of a synthesis that you can do at Parafrasist.com

Original text

In the year 1769 it was Watt who patented the steam engine as such. That is why some consider Watt to be the real inventor of the steam engine. With his machine, Watt introduced substantial improvements to previous machines that used steam power in a very poor way. Among the technological improvements that his design provided, James Watt included a major modification. The inventor of the steam engine realized that moving the pistons in Newcomen's engine lost a lot of heat. Thus, this Scottish engineer devised a system that made it possible to take advantage of that heat to make more water evaporate. In doing so, Watt invented a much more economical and efficient steam engine. It was precisely this improved efficiency that allowed the steam engine to be brought into the world of transportation. Although its application has been very extensive throughout the industrial sector. In fact, the inventor of the steam engine was largely responsible for driving the Industrial Revolution. During this period, humanity experienced a period of profound economic, social and technological transformations. of the history of humanity. Since the Neolithic there had not been an evolution of such magnitude. During these years, society went from being an economy fundamentally based on agriculture and commerce, to developing an economy essentially urban, industrialized and based on the use of machines. The introduction of tools such as the steam engine in different industries, allowed us to take the definitive step in the success of this revolution, since it allowed us to enormously increase the production capacity.

Text processed at Parafrasist.com

In 1769 it was Watt who patented the steam engine as such. Watt is considered by some to be the true inventor of the steam engine. With his engine, Watt introduced important improvements over earlier engines that made very poor use of steam power.

The inventor of the steam engine realized that moving the pistons of the Newcomen engine lost a lot of heat. In the process, Watt invented a much more economical and efficient steam engine.

It was precisely this improved efficiency that allowed the steam engine to enter the world of transportation.

The introduction of tools such as the steam engine in various industries allowed us to take the decisive step towards the success of this revolution, since we were able to greatly increase production capacity.