What you need when you have a lot of homework.

School life is quite a journey; when there are no pending exams, you have a thousand projects to hand in, plus the homework and readings you left for last. However, to be able to carry out all the school earrings you need:
1) Concentration; since, if you don't focus on your goals, you probably won't meet them.
2) Strategies; Organize your study time, plan which tasks you will leave for last and which ones you will do first.
3) Tools; There are pages that help you improve your productivity and your time, such as parafrasist.com.
Parafrasist.com is an online summarizer, which in addition to summarizing free texts helps you to paraphrase texts. What do you need to do to generate an online summary?
You have to enter your text on the page parafrasist.com, then it will give you the option to generate an automatic summary or paraphrase texts online, press the next button and in a matter of seconds your free automatic summary will be ready or the same if you chose the text paraphraser option.