
What is a synthesis and some examples

What is a synthesis and some examples

Throughout your student life, you have faced having to prepare summaries and text synthesis, but have you wondered what is the true objective of a synthesis?
Learning strategies: texts and online classes

Learning strategies: texts and online classes

We present a guide for you to adapt your study space and avoid deconcentration. We also count the alternatives to perform better in your virtual classes.
The 5 advantages of summarizing your texts

The 5 advantages of summarizing your texts

Have you ever wondered what is the use of summarizing a text? In this article we will share the most important advantages of summarizing texts and why making summaries is essential for your s
Parafrasist, your best option! Complete tutorial on how to use it to summarize all your texts.

Parafrasist, your best option! Complete tutorial on how to use it to summarize all your texts.

Parafrasist is a tool that has impressed many people and is still a success thanks to its particular usage procedure.
Ideas to summarize a text easily.

Ideas to summarize a text easily.

If you are one of those who likes to carry things efficiently when it comes to doing your school or university homework, you have come to the right place!
5 study techniques to learn faster.

5 study techniques to learn faster.

Do you know the study techniques that have made a difference among students? Paraphrasist has collected five study techniques that you must understand to learn much faster!
In record time! Identify the main and supporting ideas of a text.

In record time! Identify the main and supporting ideas of a text.

When summarizing a text, it is important to take into account all the elements that make it up, to understand and be able to carry out this action effectively and without inconvenience.
Synthesis of ideas: Definition, Types and examples

Synthesis of ideas: Definition, Types and examples

Discover how to easily make a synthesis of ideas to be able to make your summaries easily and without inconvenience. Paraphrasist always giving the best for you!
How to make a study routine?

How to make a study routine?

A study routine is something very necessary, it allows us to organize our time so that we can distribute our schedule in what is really important, study.
Thieves of time in the studio

Thieves of time in the studio

Time thieves in the studio are those who take away valuable time by having to do things that decentralize us from the objective.