
Qué es parafrasear

Qué es parafrasear

Si te dejaron de tarea hacer la paráfrasis de un texto y aún no te queda muy claro qué es o cómo se hace, en este artículo te explicamos todos esos puntos, y además, te compartimos herramient
Study guide for university

Study guide for university

Today students can resort to creators of automatic questionnaires to expedite all elaboration. Here are some tips to create a study guide with this tool.
Free educational resources for students

Free educational resources for students

Today, we are immersed in a digital age in which access to education has been facilitated thanks to the large number of online tools available. Although some of them are paying, there are oth
3 tools in line with artificial intelligence for teachers

3 tools in line with artificial intelligence for teachers

Although many see artificial intelligence as a great threat, it is inevitable that you reach all areas of our life, so you have to learn to use it in our favor and benefit from it.
How to make questionnaires

How to make questionnaires

A resource that has gained popularity lately is the creator of automatic questionnaires, which allows teachers to extract questions from an existing text or a completely new topic, so that th
Which is a creator of automatic questionnaires

Which is a creator of automatic questionnaires

Thanks to the technological advance today there are digital tools that already carry out questionnaires automatically, thus facilitating the life of both teachers and students.
Online spell checker to check your homework

Online spell checker to check your homework

Bad spelling directly affects the comprehension of texts, since some teachers pay particular attention to accents and punctuation marks, since a badly written sentence can change the entire m
Benefits of using an automated essay builder

Benefits of using an automated essay builder

Sometimes student life can be a bit overwhelming due to the heavy load of projects and tasks that teachers assign them, for this reason, students resort to digital tools.
What is a spell checker?

What is a spell checker?

In recent years, digital tools specialized in spell checking have been created so that both students and teachers can use them and can identify any grammar, punctuation or style errors before
Who invented tasks?

Who invented tasks?

The term homework dates back to the early years of formal education. In ancient times, education was provided primarily to a privileged few and focused primarily on the poor.